St Athanasius Church

This church is dedicated to St. Athanasios, the 20th pope of the Coptic Church, who stayed in this region during his fourth exile and who died on May 15th, 373.

The monastery was built in the centre of the village and was active until the 13th century before it was inhabited with houses. It is not a registered monument.

The church belongs to the ancient monastery which was built with a mudbrick. The enclosure wall is partly well-preserved. The church has been under recent restoration so that the outer walls do not show any historic signs. This also refers to the gate with its plain round arch in fairfaced brickwork. Steps lead down to the church’s floor level with a modernized entrance door and one side door on either side.

The hall is divided into three aisles with two rows of two pillars and two columns on either side. Thus, there are five domes per aisle, supported by semi-circular arcs. Both pillars are located near the entrance and the apsis.